Monday, March 7, 2011

Penis Toilet Paper Roll Test

looking for love ...

Jeffren and Adriano are two wonderful and very dear puppies, they grow rapidly because they are large racy. Both are very good, very balanced and calm by nature, very pleasant. Of course they like to play with others, they are still small children.
Adriano yesterday in the enclosure
Jeffren, Adriano's brother

grow these two brothers, one notices they grow fine and healthy, but it's so sad that they need to grow at the shelter. This puppy fits all, they always agree in any position, they are easy and simple ... and so young ... We are quite sure who she is adopted definitely a happy man!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Woke Up With Bumps On Lip

Lucas, my problem child

Lucas did tonight I picked up in the hospital and taken home. He has not been broken but his diarrhea is bloody and he has no desire to eat. I must feed him with the syringe. Lucas would still useable cuddles, purrs and he remains quiet in his kennel at home. That's good.
I got him with infusion ... yesterday in the animal hospital they treated him with a Albuminainfusion (very expensive by the way), and now this value is almost in order. We'll see how Lucas is developing ...

The past week the Serkretärin our chef from the town hall, visited the Station Cat, Lucas saw the lady and asked "What do we have to amputate the leg Lucas?" and "why do we keep a three-legged cat?", it said it would have been better einzuschläffern ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Before And After Of Someone Who Was Anorexic

cat Lucas is in the hospital ...

Our three-legged cat Lucas has had bad luck ... the amputation was in order and it went fine. The only thing that was not so fine that was the postOP drainage, he was not placed correctly and we have discovered 4 days after surgery: a lot of pus was inside ... We have done clean the wound in the very next day voprsichtig and the pus drained daily, plus a second antibiotic was added to ... we controlled the infection, then great but Lucas did not want to eat, he vomited and now he has severe diarrhea. We got him yesterday morning taken to the animal hospital. Several analysis were done: he has no Neutrophylen (a type of white blood cells) that Albumina (protein is very low) and today he had 40.2 ° C fever ...
We do not lose hope but his condition is critical. He gets everything he needs, infusion, human Albumina, antibiotics, etc, we'll see ...