Monday, March 7, 2011

Penis Toilet Paper Roll Test

looking for love ...

Jeffren and Adriano are two wonderful and very dear puppies, they grow rapidly because they are large racy. Both are very good, very balanced and calm by nature, very pleasant. Of course they like to play with others, they are still small children.
Adriano yesterday in the enclosure
Jeffren, Adriano's brother

grow these two brothers, one notices they grow fine and healthy, but it's so sad that they need to grow at the shelter. This puppy fits all, they always agree in any position, they are easy and simple ... and so young ... We are quite sure who she is adopted definitely a happy man!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Woke Up With Bumps On Lip

Lucas, my problem child

Lucas did tonight I picked up in the hospital and taken home. He has not been broken but his diarrhea is bloody and he has no desire to eat. I must feed him with the syringe. Lucas would still useable cuddles, purrs and he remains quiet in his kennel at home. That's good.
I got him with infusion ... yesterday in the animal hospital they treated him with a Albuminainfusion (very expensive by the way), and now this value is almost in order. We'll see how Lucas is developing ...

The past week the Serkretärin our chef from the town hall, visited the Station Cat, Lucas saw the lady and asked "What do we have to amputate the leg Lucas?" and "why do we keep a three-legged cat?", it said it would have been better einzuschläffern ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Before And After Of Someone Who Was Anorexic

cat Lucas is in the hospital ...

Our three-legged cat Lucas has had bad luck ... the amputation was in order and it went fine. The only thing that was not so fine that was the postOP drainage, he was not placed correctly and we have discovered 4 days after surgery: a lot of pus was inside ... We have done clean the wound in the very next day voprsichtig and the pus drained daily, plus a second antibiotic was added to ... we controlled the infection, then great but Lucas did not want to eat, he vomited and now he has severe diarrhea. We got him yesterday morning taken to the animal hospital. Several analysis were done: he has no Neutrophylen (a type of white blood cells) that Albumina (protein is very low) and today he had 40.2 ° C fever ...
We do not lose hope but his condition is critical. He gets everything he needs, infusion, human Albumina, antibiotics, etc, we'll see ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Taking Painkillers Before Waxing Help?

bullying ...

This is Souix in his kennel ... Unfortunately we have to keep him Jezter in the kennel. He is totally compatible with all the problems, and earlier he was always "free" in the pack from the main enclosure. But that is no longer the Other have bitten him several times and the lezte time we thought it was more than enough. We think
Souix was mobbed by the others ...

Irene particularly like that dog ... at first she thought he was ugly and stupid. I said to her, still useable, you would be wrong, but she did not hear anything. I found funny from the beginning Souix Irene's opinion, and could not understand. A few months later and Souix was Irene's favorite dog! hahahaha! and now, obviously,
makes you more worried about "her little baby" and asked me to translate the following:

The only thing that has learned to Souix Jezter is the mistreatment and indifference, He is still useable and a very nice dog.

Previously he lived with a dog that has bitten him constantly and for this reason he was brought to us, and the poor, he still has the same pitch: ALL bite him.
The only thing that Souix wants is love and hugs from the people.
He goes with the other dogs and enjoys walks.
It is a love of dogs, if you know him fall in love with him.
Souix deserves that schenckt him an opportunity to have a home where he feels loved, because his life can not bite other dogs and to end in the courtyard of an animal sanctuary ...

I agree with Irene. Might be lucky and someone has Souix find him at some point so interesting and funny as a companion when I saw him for the first time already have found

Monday, February 28, 2011

Digital Play Ground Promotion


Curiosity is always great when a new dog comes to the shelter ... our wonderful sauna and pretty Schäffimädels Pepa always want to know allll! "Who is the Zwergchen?" They asked themselves today
The Spa is the grandpa who wants to also discover all of his new surroundings ...

Spa comes from the street, he could about 8-9 years old and is very fit. He has some tartar, but everything else seems to be for his age in order. I think he has Pepa and sauna very interesting lady dog found he actually likes all dogs girls from the shelter, the little Don Juan!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Injury Elbow Lower Arm Pain

Thanks for the donation!

We again want to say this is the biggest THANK YOU to all our donors very loud! Thanks to Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Martorell close by us. Thank you for thinking of our animals and something for them and for us to make. We are also very pleased with the donations that we receive on a regular basis of hope for dogs and this time connects from animal aid, on weekends, they lezten have great cats cushions and beautiful "handmade" dog sweaters made. Thanks to the dear ladies have knitted it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Unblock Websense On Computer

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Personalized Napkins Upload Logo

3 .. instead of 4 Legs

Airam This is after their surgery, it went well ...

Man has worked with her in the hospital a lot, but all for nothing: the last leg had to be amputated.

Here we would like to introduce our new cat, actually his x-ray : See
Well, you have to be a vet for the broken femur! The bone can not be saved, we believe Lucas was bitten by a dog and the leg is so inflamed that the bone is inflamed too, and that makes all the possibilities of success (if we would decide for an operation) is very low. So Lucas is now amputated ...

we Jezter three-legged animals, Airam, Lucas and Leonel ( ) have. Leonel's doing well in his foster home but no one wants to adopt him, he lives there have been about 1.5 years ... he is quite makes good and life with three legs and with leishmaniasis him nothing!
These animals deserve a chance, they may not have dogs for Agility, Dog or Catdancing, etc, but you can love them just as one loves the other animals

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poodle Australian Shepherd Mix

We are already on Facebook!

We work as much as we can find families for our dogs. The computer has told us he is making progress with the CMS (we have SO MUCH PLEASURE TO HAVE OUR SITE UPDATED AGAIN!). Now the lezte idea of a pair of friends was to be on Facebook!
We hope it works!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Check Letter I've Written

lezte the days ...

The days go quickly over ... On Thursday at eight clock in the evening the vet called us from the animal hospital said luck was dead, we have lost the battle ... Poor luck, all for nothing ...
But we have to continue with the others!

The Ted 3 months ago:

And this is Ted yesterday with an abscess on his head. This abscess was drained once already, and Ted gets antibiotic since then, but the abscess would have been better to remove his cap to drain as ... On Friday, the boy is undergoing surgery, it will be a very small operating room.

the way, the Pudelchen Copi was born on Thursday lezten operates from the eye, in the IVO (eye animal clinic) of Barcelona. His cornea was completely dark because of chronic "Keratoconjuntivitis sicca" (= "dry eye"). Copi now recovering in a very experienced foster home in Barcelona.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Mode

lucky ...

evening before yesterday we have started a new treatment of chance, yesterday morning it was slightly better but still "on the border" and we left happy at the animal hospital with infusion. There they ate themselves, but today the vet said she just gave us can be run better but she has no desire to eat ... we'll see how it develops, we will soon see an improvement ... we hope she does it, but we know it will have difficult ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Business Answering Messages Samples


This is ... Fortunately today. A few days we have noticed that their leishmaniasis "normal" was. We have begun a more aggressive therapy, but it was still useable worse ...

She started hair everywhere and incredibly fast to lose and we have brought to the veterinary clinic
, because it was a case of us have never experienced before.
vasculitis was diagnosed and we think the cause is leishmaniasis, but there are other possibilities such as ehrlichiosis, an allergic reaction to the antibiotic or fungal. We have just started with new drugs ... the battle is not lost but we know the chances are very low ... We have to feed with a syringe, they would not run ... poor, poor luck
This bitch We are sorry, especially when we think of as pretty, and she was healthy when she arrived. Especially it is itself a Ulzer and everything you do as much grief ... and she is such a brave dog ...

luck, in October 2010

Monday, January 31, 2011

Biggest Breast In Average By Country


I do not start to like me ... I'm lost for words ... That was

Janis, a Welpin 7 months old which arrived with about 2 or 3 months. No one has adopted her even if she was a treasure ...
Janis was today found dead in the morning to 11 o'clock, with the intestines, heart and lungs outside the body, broken ribs and partially eaten ... Irene had to vomit, Noemi trembled and wept, and your's is just pretty bad. I was still at home is going to happen all I was in treating the wounds from the bitten puppy Pilates, the is not a miracle thanks admit robes after biting the past week. Thus, developing the wound of Pilates:

Pilates with corroded ears ; The wounds to heal properly

In its most recent six months our statistics of dogs bitten to death for us not normal, it is legally grown dramatically: first Danko in the summer, our gift on Christmas Day was that spin was bitten to death, and now Janis . Thank God Pilates was bitten on the back or he would be dead too spin has lived with us only 3 days, everything looked normal from his group ... But on December 25 he was dead without that I could photograph him, no one knew of him, only we.

After three lethal cases in such a short time, we naturally ask ourselves what we did wrong. For Danko, we have taken him in a group after 4 years in the same enclosure, the group should "fit" to be (...). For spin, we think it is the same as happened with Pilates: both were the youngest and newest dogs their specific group. When Janis ... it was perhaps the weakest of their group, but with her it was just younger smaller dogs! It was a mixed group with two slightly older pups and dogs that we think is very nice ...

Now we do not understand, we do not know what to do. In these years after the accidents of this type of today, we have learned the group to make and now the only reason we can think of is that WE ARE FULL AND OUR DOGS MUST HAVE MUCH STRESS. Usually it die with us because of biting 0-2 dogs per year, but what happened in its most recent days which leaves us powerless because we do not know how we can communicate faster. We want to communicate properly, we want to see that our animals have a valuable future in loving and responsible people ... literally For this reason, we try to convey in civilized countries. We understand it is quite a lot of animals needing help, we are not the only one who are desperate.

But now, after about 8 years in active animal protection, I must make a very desperate call to all of you. PLEASE HELP U.S. WITH CARE AGENCIES, WITH ADOPTIONS ... WE ARE FULL, AND IF THE TREND WITH SO FEW PLACEMENTS SO ON IS THE SUMMER WE WILL NOT OVERCOME. We are not a private animal shelter, we have new leaders, for you we are the only workers can be replaced quickly and easily if we meet your objectives ... not Noemi, Irene and I, we do our work professionally in part, but we do not do this work for money but for love, and we would not let these animals, we want to help them and in return WE NEED YOU.

We hope that the death of Janis and the rest of us can somehow, sometime, somewhere, help, and has been for nothing.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Virtual World Unblocked By School

Pilates and Airam, the survivors

Pilates outdoor enclosure of the puppies (Last week):

Pilates on 1.26 after biting:

on 01/27 before the operation, necrosis of the bitten tissue.

In the animal hospital when we picked him:

X-ray image of Airam s all broken hips: , and walking:

Airam has remained in the hospital after her surgery,

Here we see the operated left foot and right hip with the nail, etc., is the other side of the hip should be operated on and then the poor Airam still mouth cleaned and sterilized, but in a few weeks if they fit again for a new OP.

Now we just hope the two dogs it works very well!