Once more detailed information on what your donations are really good!
Use in a country like Argentina does my support group, Global initiative for social engagement, about 9000-12000 €. Much of the costs can cover my support group on grants, donations and other funds, however, remain open about € 6,600. Therefore, we rely on donations from the general population.
Donations cost of the flight, meals, accommodation and resources for financing the project. So I ask you my commitment by making a donation to the Global Initiative support for social commitment !
account holder: WISE eV
Account number: 861 1300
BLZ: 550 20 500 (Bank of Social Economy)
Subject: Donation wise eV 73 028
(please write nothing in the subject)
Donations can of course be tax deductible. If you desire a receipt, please send an email to: spenden@weltweite-initiative.de
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