Friday, September 21, 2007

Hallmarks Maxine On A Blizzard

Finally we go ...

Hello my friends,
since Tuesday, I am finally working correctly in the inside! It does not rain more, and therefore the work could now start really - so no shoes and even more sort of relocation stress is behind us!
Thus have I made in the last 3 days been great experiences. As the sports ground is still not allowed to be used we have with the kids in front of the Casa de Galilea (House of the FundaciĆ³n) between floor, stone and trees, and on the street "trained". That is, we have kicked them and made other exercises. So we have even the coordinators the groups helped. For me, the bewegenste event than me Chicitito (these are the 7-9 year olds), embraced him because I have played such a great pass. Then I had to grin all the time. This feeling, however, was muted, as Melchor (our project manager) said that we should always embrace the kids with the upper body and with the distance Unterkoerper had argued that since many of the children would have experience with sexual abuse. That was scary!
Well this should be just a sample of what I experience here Sun You will learn even more if my monthly report is completed! Much love your



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