have general
Which organization do you support your overseas community service completed?
One World - Upper Austrian Landlerhilfe
More services space?
Großau (Cristian) and Neppendorf (Turnisor) in Sibiu (Sibiu) in Romania
In what year did you complete your community service abroad? Not
to My Brief
| Very Good Good | Satisfactory | Enough Enough | ||
Personal Care | - | - | - | - | |
tasks | - | - | - | - | |
Financial support | - | - | - | - | |
sense of use | - | - | - | - | |
overall impression of the organization | - | - | - | - |
can with what words you have the Share organization?
If someone no specific demands on his community service and is in the mood for an adventure where you jump into cold water, and so learn about another culture that is exactly right. Would I do it again.
What you notice in your organization most positive?
It is easy and fast to foreign countries from which one comes back to rich experience of life again.
What particularly negative?
Fairly chaotic and the meaningfulness of the whole not coming out.
What should be agreed in advance with this important organization? should
If you take your car with you the statement of the Travel expenses clarify.
How did you prepare yourself together with your organization on your bet (culture, social work, personal contact, etc.)?
a personal interview and then on the motorway service station contract signed the relevant addresses received on-site and off we went. What was
organized meetings were held with other civil servants and former, employees, etc.?
is organized somewhat exaggerated but with the help of phone numbers and addresses you have then made right now.
How long did the whole preparation until your departure?
The extent was the course?
Since I've been thrown into the cold water which is not true that bad because I had mainly to do with German.
How much you have supported your organization financially support? Monthly € 250, which carry 50 euros to be paid to rent.
Which other public services you receive financial support?
Upper Austria about 500 €
been refunded the arrival and departure costs?
No, I have my car but the fuel costs which I used as a company car for part Refunded
What was the total financial support that you received?
I do not know remember exactly but I am very exited about
oversaw the first 6 weeks after enrollment in a retirement home in Sibiu, I have some old people in the villages Großau and Neppendorf. I took the blood pressure and helped with minor household chores. Since I also had a craft apprenticeship, I worked in the castle fell in Großau and supported the local caretaker. I worked with in the construction of the Landler museum and took part in Neppendorf by car part of the parish on buses courier services. The actions of the Landlerhilfe were also supported by me so all in all, I perceive little of everything.
What say you had when dividing your applications?
I had apart from the nursing home stay and I had no schooling my work from pretty much suck his fingers. Of Austrian Hand, there was little or no guidelines. true site all a bit chaotic.
How was the contact with your personal supervisor on site? The main contact took care of almost not about me but good with most other functions of the contact.
As discussed your problems, concerns, ideas, etc.?
In the work with little or no because there anyway everything has its place and that too should remain so. For personal concerns, such as accommodation at some point I started to do more than ask. was
What it offers and tips to your free time?
The most important exercise to network with other volunteers from Germany and Austria were a great help on the ground and which I still have contact.
How was your contact with the Austrian Ministry of Interior?
site I made for members of the missions Courier. With the Ministry in Austria, but little good.
Perhaps a few words about the car: If one has before his car to take with you should be aware that the roads clear traces behind. In Neppendorf there are car Valli of broken hangers, clogged fuel filter and Other repairs reliable and not too expensive because he is a friend of the pastor. One would have to bring something of driving because the roads are, especially in winter not always as good order as in Austria. Also, the driving behavior of the Romanians is getting used to. Own car of course additional costs but in this location a good thing.
can use this address record interested contact me:
goettfert.matthias [at] gmail.com
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