Friday, June 4, 2010

H0 Model Container Ship 1/87

Concordia Parish Austria, Association for Social Projects P. George Sporschill SJ


Which parent organization you have completed your community service abroad?
Concordia Austria, Association for Social Projects P. George Sporschill SJ

More services space?
Concordia Farm children Aricestii-Rahtivani

In what year did you finished your overseas community service? Not

to My Brief

Very Good Good Satisfactory Enough Enough
Personal Care -
- - -
tasks -
- - -
Financial support -

- -
appropriateness of the use - -
- -
overall impression of the organization -
- - -

What words can you recommend the organization?
the work is really meaningful and has a lot of fun too!

What you especially in your organization we noticed?
much I liked the farm of the children! a great location

What particularly negative?
not like financial support (no!! The money that got me was parents of mine!)
were in some cases we by the leaders of the organization is anything but well treated

What should beforehand agreed absolutely with this organization be?


How did you prepare yourself together with your organization on your bet (culture, social work, personal contact, etc.)?
Together with the organization actually does not! was

What it organized meetings with other civil servants and former, employees, etc.?
no ... some volunteers from my "generation" have previously met in Vienna

How long did the whole preparation to your departure?
there was not

The extent was the course?
2.5 months


How much you have supported your organization financially support?

Which other public services you receive financial support?

not been refunded the arrival and departure costs?

What was the total financial support that you received?
€ 55 a month (of parents)


What were your main tasks on the ground?
My main duties were the care of 8 children from 3 to 18 years as an educator, as a translator during visits, supervisor of guests and as a driver

What say you had when dividing your applications?
I could voice my opinion and my wishes ... these were also mostly considered

Have you used your skills accordingly?


How was the contact with your personal supervisor on site?
therefore had a personal care attendant, I do not ... but it was very good contact with my boss

As discussed your problems, concerns, ideas, etc.?
so-so ... It was then eingeganen if it fit the head

What has organized meetings, trips, etc. It was used in your country?
volunteers for us ... no we have but even so some organized

Which offers and tips it gave to your free time? was
offers it in the village where I worked not really ... We then drove into the city or next to Bucharest ... and sometimes we even get the car from the organization

How was your contact with the Austrian Ministry of Interior?
addition to the reports, I had no contact

once you get used to life with street children is the use really great! But it is not always easy with the heads of the organization (you must have already fallen a lot!)
can from the farm, I report only really good (except that it is in the middle of nowhere) we were on the farm manager actively supporting and , almost all of our projects (even build a tree house) to implement!

can use this address record interested contact me:
Baumhauer lukas [at]


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