Which Sponsoring organization you have completed your community service abroad?
parish Frastanz
More services space?
Granja Hogar San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia
In what year did you complete your community service abroad? Not
to My Brief
| Very Good Good | Satisfactory | Enough Enough | ||
Personal Care | | - | - | - | - |
tasks | | - | - | - | - |
Financial support | - | | - | - | - |
appropriateness of the use | - | - | | - | - |
overall impression of the organization | | - | - | - | - |
What words can you recommend the organization?
competent, friendly, always available
What you noticed in your organization most positive?
small is beautiful, no club is needed for the prior three years membership to get an overseas department
What particularly negative?
How did you prepare yourself together with your organization on your bet (culture, social work, personal contact, etc.)?
preparation seminars horizon in 3000 and the parish Frastanz
Which meeting was organized by former civil servants and others, employees, etc.?
organized with Cos future of the parish Frastanz
What degree did the course?
first course in Bolivia. Intensive 4 week single-class and living with a host family.
How much you have supported your organization financially support?
minimal pocket money (about € 500 for the entire 14 months)
Which other public bodies did you receive financial support? minimal pocket money (about € 500 for the entire 14 months)
Upper Austria about € 500, -
How often did you get your travel expenses reimbursed?
and departure costs were reimbursed
What were your main tasks on the ground?
computer training, maintenance of IT infrastructure
What say you had when dividing your applications?
The application area was defined realtiv clear. Have a say and a free hand in Type of implementation!
Have you used your skills accordingly?
How was the contact with your personal supervisor on site?
ok, not too great, but perfectly OK and constructive
As to your problems, concerns, ideas, etc. received?
could be implemented ideas make sense, support for innovations and new concepts were consistently given
What organized meetings, trips, etc. It was used in your country?
What were the offers and tips it to your leisure time?
personal tips
How was your contact with the Austrian Ministry of Interior?
not exist - I just sent my reports!
What should be agreed in advance with this important organization?
it all done with me was not for me "miss" adverse
this address, interested parties can contact me:
mathias [at]
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