In which carrier organization you have completed your community service abroad?
A world - Upper Austrian Landlerhilfe
More services space?
Upper Landlerhilfe - Großau (Cristian) and Neppendorf (Turnisor) in Sibiu (Sibiu) in Romania
In what year did you complete your community service abroad? Not
to My Brief
| Very Good Good | Satisfactory | Enough Enough | ||
Personal care | - | - | - | - | |
tasks | - | | - | - | - |
Financial support | - | - | - | | - |
appropriateness of the use | - | | - | - | - |
overall impression of the organization | - | - | - | | - |
What words can you recommend the organization?
Romania who will do intensive and not in one of the quite modern cities, but in the village, which is right at the Landlerhilfe. Moreover, it is the last resort, the old Austrian minority in Transylvania Landler to get to know better, the fact is extinct soon
What you notice in your organization most positive?
non-bureaucratic, flat hierarchy, it is equal to all by You
What particularly negative?
take for civil servants too little time and know the problems in Romania firsthand
What should be agreed in advance with this important organization?
suitable accommodation, regulation of working time and leisure, local expertise, Romanian-language course, organize mobility resolved on site, especially if you split into two villages, dependent, but on the poor public transport is
How did you prepare yourself together with your organization on your bet (culture, social work, personal Contact, etc.)?
many an afternoon was a conversation, but before that privately in Transylvania and have more or less knew what was coming towards me
What was it organized meetings with other civil servants and former, employees, etc.?
do not officially, unofficially, with former Landlerhilfe-civil servants who have visited me in my year down in Romania, as well as with German volunteers who were stationed in the neighboring villages and sometimes made a similar service
has How long did the whole preparation until your departure?
an afternoon
What is the extent was the course?
How much you have supported your organization financially support?
300 euros per month
Which other public services you receive financial support? 300 euros per month
province of Upper Austria, one-off payment of EUR 500, - (approximately)
been refunded the arrival and departure costs?
What was the total financial support that you received?
4100 € per year
What were your main tasks on the ground?
12 weeks nursing assistants in the German nursing home Carl Wolff in Sibiu, with shifts and all maintenance work, including washing of the residents, prepare meals, while tightening to help, change diapers, rearrangement of immobile patients, dressing changes, laundry service, monitor infusions, etc.
then in the village: mobile elderly care, home visits, a lot of talk, get help with the housework, do help with gardening, shopping in the city, recipe by the Romanian doctor Drugs from pharmacy get, look, that they take the drugs regularly, as a driver on trips to be there, in social life in the village
participate further by City on Protestant parsonage: Participation in the social life of the church, every Sunday worship participate in festivals , guided tours for tourists (medieval fortified church), renovation of the fortified church, gardening, care of animals at the Courtyard (dogs, cats, sheep), living as in the social life of the mostly elderly and lonely Saxon and Landler's villagers, and in summer a lot of contact with the Emigrants who come once a year to visit and find someone who they can tell their trauma (communism, fascism, deportation, Ceausescu, emigration, expropriation, collapse of their culture, etc.)
What say you had when dividing your applications?
relative of the Landlerhilfe lot of local contacts (Protestant pastor) relatively little used
Were your skills accordingly? be
had more, but you have a lot of consideration for the cultural identity that is based on the 800-year history of the Transylvanian Saxons. ("That was always been there and we do that, until the last of us at the cemetery lies ")
As the contact with your personal supervisor on site?
was poor, the official supervisor (pastor Dietrich Galter) had little time he has held several offices simultaneously, but all the more critical all his contact eyed, but also a cultural problem was (young Austrians versus Romanian Transylvanian Saxon in the old ethnic German school)
with the "unofficial" contacts (parish secretary, nursing home manager, responsible for mobile home care, etc.), it has but works very well and they came up friendships
As discussed your problems, concerns, ideas, etc.?
little, it was indeed listened very nice, but done little
What organized meetings, trips, etc. It was used in your country?
Twice someone from the Landlerhilfe came on a short visit, where problems have been mentioned briefly. Once I was with a group learning as a driver of land in Austria, were three days on the anniversary of the expulsion in 1735
what it offers and tips for your leisure time?
How was your contact with the Austrian Ministry of Interior?
once by telephone before departure otherwise
have that I met the Austrian ambassador to Romania, Martin Eichorn repeatedly
the support of the small old Austrian minority of the Landler in Transylvania, treated after the Revolution of 1989 by the Republic of Austria is very neglected was, is still very useful and should be further continued to live so long as the old and needy Landler there. The organization of the foreign assignment but could certainly be improved, but to build without extra paperwork, because the site proves to be as ilusorisch anyway. Romania is not just Western Europe.
Monthly activity reports are difficult to achieve on the Internet for lack of existing accommodation solution. Post consignment would be an alternative.
can use this address record interested contact me:
andreas [at]
Here I report on my mission abroad (blog, website, etc.):
http:/ /
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